
Hi, there! If you are on this website, you have probably interacted with the app already. Let me know if you like it or not in the 'Get in Touch' section. Your feedback is most welcome and always appreciated. I am Sourhita Majumder, a student of University of Nottingham. For my MSc project in Human Computer Introduction I decided to build an interactive prototype of an android app called Fleur. Fleur in French means flower. I am Asian-Indian by birth, in our culture the flower lotus is of great significance. A lotus represents enlightment. Fleur is a personal project for me. Getting diagnosed with something, is the first step. We need a supportive hand after that, to tell us it's alright and that you're not alone. I wanted to do something that would help other women.

I took up this project with this belief in mind. To the numerous women I have spoken talked about their different experiences but also shared experiences. So many women have PCOS, but we do not talk about it enough, there is not enough research, we still do not know what's the genesis of PCOS. Fleur aims to educate, inform and create a dialogue around PCOS. There's a societal stigma around PCOS, especially in India. A lot of people think it is solely a reproductive disorder and the name itself, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is misleading. PCOS also previously known as PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disease) and Stein-Leventhal Syndrome is an endocrine system disorder. Ovarian cysts can be a symptom, but a lot of women who don't have cysts on their ovaries can also have PCOS. As an aspiring UX/UI Designer I conducted User Experience Research in the form of survey (N=43) and semi-structured interview (N=15) and an expert interview with a practicing gynaecologist. The interview sessions especially were very informative. It turned out to be therapeutic for me, listening to the challenges, struggles, judgemnts they faced and still came out strong and successful. The final prototype was designed after generating requirements from the survey, interview and participatory design. Not all the requirements could be implemented, the proritised ones were implemented. Fleur aims to become something tangible in the future, so that women can truly benefit from it. My supervisor, Dr. Alexander Lang, was there to guide me and support me through out the project. Her insights were invaluable and has helped me at every stage of the project.

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The blog aims to provide reliable, accessible information on PCOS. The blog section will contain articles on PCOS nutrition, PCOS lifestyle changes and mental well being. The blog wants answer all the questions, a women with PCOS might have.

My Support

My Support

The support group is a safe space for women with PCOS to share their experiences and challenges. You can talk to friend who will understand what you're going through without judgement. Women can learn from each other's experience, empower each other and create a sense of community.

Period Tracker

Period Tracker

The period tracker allows the user to track their predicted period day and predicted fertility window. It also lets you record your period details like flow, symptom and spotting.



The Consultation allows the user to have access to medical professionals like gynecologists, nutritionists and psychologists. They can book appointments by video call or clinic visit.